When purchases don’t meet your expectations
April 15, 2022
BY Amy Kennedy
We’ve all been there! You bought an item with a grand expectation that it would do something- fulfil a certain purpose, serve a particular need and provide you with some sense of satisfaction at the very least.
When purchases don’t meet your expectations

What do you do with purchases that don’t meet your expectations?

We’ve all been there!

You bought an item with a grand expectation that it would do something- fulfil a certain purpose, serve a particular need and provide you with some sense of satisfaction at the very least.

Then the package actually arrives or you bring it home and once used, it just doesn’t meet your initial expectations.

It might not even be a particular issue with the item, but perhaps it doesn’t fill the need for which you purchased it.

Maybe it was an organising tool you felt you needed, a pretty basket to match the shelf or a desk tray that seemed practical.

It might be shoes that just don’t fit right or a top that itches around the neckline. Or perhaps a pair of pants that aren’t the right fit but you didn’t have time to try them on in the store but they were on sale so how could you say no?!

You get the picture. We’ve all made these types of purchases at some point in our lives. So, you’re left with an item you don’t want.

What now?

As a Professional Organiser, I would advise that the best scenario would be to return it. If you aren’t happy with it now, your feelings probably won’t change any time soon.

Return it to the original store that you bought it from and get a refund.

If that’s not possible, I would recommend removing it from your home as quickly as possible.

Remember, space is sacred. Only keep purchases that serve their intended purpose.

If the item is brand new and unused (or used once), therefore selling it may be a viable option. Especially if you spent a considerable amount of money on it.

Alternatively, give it to a friend or family member that is in need of the particular item. Or, depending on its function, donate it to a place that will benefit from it.

Whichever works for you, really. Just remember to respect the value of the product depending on what it is.

But, in all scenarios, I believe that you should get it out of your home ASAP.

It doesn’t meet the need for which you bought it and it doesn’t meet your basic expectations, therefore, you have no reason to own it. There’s no reason for it to be taking up valuable space in your home.

Items in your home that don’t serve their purpose immediately create unnecessary clutter.

So, the next time that you purchase something, really, make a considered purchase first to avoid clutter coming into your home in the first place.

The clutter isn’t worth the initial expenditure.

Saying goodbye to items isn’t always easy. If you’re facing a similar issue or are eager to eliminate clutter in your home, feel free to reach out to us.


The Organising Bee is a professional organiser based in Canberra. Amy Kennedy supports families to organise their homes and their time. Book a free consultation with Amy and talk about ways you can organise yourself so you can spend your time doing the things you love.


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