Goodbye Busy Hello Happy
May 15, 2022
BY Amy Kennedy
I am delighted that I have been asked to co-author in a new book titled Goodbye Busy Hello Happy, a collaboration between 25 talented women.
Goodbye Busy Hello Happy
Goodbye Busy Hello Happy Amy Kennedy Author

I am delighted to announce that I have been asked to co-author in a new book titled Goodbye Busy Hello Happy.  

Goodbye Busy Hello Happy is a collaboration between 25 talented co-authors, featuring inspirational stories from real women who’ve recovered from burnout combined with professional advice from wellness and productivity experts this unique book will be a guiding light for those finding their way back from overworking to working in flow and anyone wanting to live a life filled with more joy.

According to the publishers, Women Changing the World Press, Goodbye Busy Hello Happy will “warm our hearts, and inspire us to remember our dreams and the vision for our life we once had. We want to know that despite the challenges, there is always a chance to change your life and find more room for joy”.

My contribution will only be a small part, but it is an absolute dream to be able to call myself a published author – even if it is only a single chapter.  The goal of my chapter is to inspire and empower the reader to make changes to their home so that it supports their lifestyle. I’m not sure what the other co-authors will be focusing on, but it sure to be an interesting and valuable read.

Thank you to the publishers, Women Changing the World Press and KMD Books and the team at AusMumpreneur for inviting me to be part of this collaboration. The book will be available to purchase in Australia and Internationally in late 2022 via Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Booktopia.  It will also be gifted to celebrities as part of the 2023 Oscars gifting hampers.  Just imagine, what a dream it would be for Reese Witherspoon or Nicole Kidman to have read something written by little old me.  

Click here for more information about Goodby Busy Hello Happy or feel free to contact us.


The Organising Bee is a professional organiser based in Canberra. Amy Kennedy supports families to organise their homes and their time. Book a free consultation with Amy and talk about ways you can organise yourself so you can spend your time doing the things you love.


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