Guide to packing for a road trip
August 28, 2020
BY Amy Kennedy
A quick start guide to make packing for your next road trip a breeze
Guide to packing for a road trip
Holiday Travel Kit Checklist - The Organising Bee Canberra

A quick start guide to making packing for your next road trip a breeze.

Packing can often be very stressful and if you have young children it can often take weeks of preparation and planning to ensure that you have everything ready and available for you big trip.

However, it doesn’t doesn’t need to be stressful, with some organisation and planning, packing for a long family holiday can be as easy as packing for an overnight trip.

I’ve prepared a quick start checklist to ensure that you remember to pack everything that you need for your next big road trip or camping adventure.

You can grab your copy of our guide to packing for a road trip here. 

Another way to simplify the packing process is by creating a holiday travel kit.  It’s makes packing your vehicle quicker and easier.  You can read more about how to create a holiday travel kit here


The Organising Bee is a professional organiser based in Canberra. Amy Kennedy supports families to organise their homes and their time. Book a free consultation with Amy and talk about ways you can organise yourself so you can spend your time doing the things you love.


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